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 What type of questions should I ask during my psychic reading?

The questions you ask during your psychic reading are extremely important. You are most likely calling to improve or correct a particular situation you are experiencing. The information you receive should be able to assist you in placing your intentions in the right place so that you can achieve your goal. It is important to write down the questions you want to ask prior to your psychic reading.

Remember that you and the others in your life have free will and can change the future at any time. Therefore, any “ yes or no “ answers are not obtainable. Psychics can see the layout of your situation but you and the others involved decide how you proceed through it. This is why it is important to make wise choices.

When gathering your questions think about achieving your goal(s). The questions you present should be geared towards obtaining your goal(s) through your intention.

Right & Wrong Approach to Questions During a Psychic Reading

Yes What can I do to improve the chances of my lover coming back to me?
No Will my lover come back to me?
Yes What options are available to help change my financial situation?
No Will my financial situation change soon?
Yes Do I have any particular issues I need to address right now? 
No When will my present situation change for me?
Yes there advice you can supply concerning my career situation?
No Am I going to be terminated at this position?
If your questions involve a specific person, please include the FIRST NAME of the person you're inquiring about. Birth dates are helpful but not necessary.
When a psychic is asked a proper question, insight can be obtained that will allow you to become empowered to act towards getting the best possible result. It is important not to ask Yes or No questions. They are virtually impossible for any psychic to answer.

Take the time to really focus on your situation, prepare your questions, and remember to take notes in order to have a reference when your psychic reading is complete.

Christine Lynn+

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