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More Psychic Services  Psychic Development, Guided Chakra Energy Alignment and Aura Reading

These unique telephone sessions are helpful for the development of your own psychic awareness!

Psychic Services Psychic Development Session — $100.00

This one hour session involves personal guidance in the development of your own psychic/intuitive abilities.

This includes an individual assessment of your "other" senses along with guided techniques on how to develop, use, and increase your own accuracy.

This is great for beginners or intuitives looking to increase accuracy. Each session is personally conducted on an individual basis to accommodate your personal needs for development.

Guided Chakra Energy Alignment Guided Chakra Energy Alignment — $75.00

This 45 minute session involves energy healing
. It includes the balancing of your own energies by walking you through a personal Chakra (energy points) alignment. You will be instructed on how to check your own Chakras and will be guided to follow along through the session.

I'll assist you in increasing your sensitivity to your own energies.

Most feel relaxed and rejuvenated at the conclusion of this session.

Aura Reading Aura Reading — $50.00

This reading takes 20 -30 minutes. It entails an intuitive reading focused on your aura.

This includes a reading of your own energy field. The meanings behind the colors associated with your aura will be explained. A hand sketched copy of your aura will be scanned and electronically sent to you following your session.

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